How To Give Your Pooch A Massage
All of us enjoy a nice massage from time to time and the practice of dog physiotherapy takes this need into account. Much like their humans, canines can benefit in

“Bella” May be a More Common Dog Name Than You Think
Have you finally decided that a dog would be a great addition to your family? Maybe your current female furry friend is soon expected to have a little of puppies?

How Often Should You Go To The Groomers?
Taking your dog to the groomer should be a regular occurrence. Here at Happi Days, we are experts in dog grooming in Ipswich, and have lots of tips for you!

⭐️It’s CRUFTS WEEK!!!!!!⭐️
We are very excited to announce we will be hosting our own set of events at Happi Days! Both Martlesham and Rendlesham will be hosting as follows: Martlesham: Every dog

Dogs Can Remember Up To 75 Words
How good is your dog with remembering commands? Most dogs can sit and know the word “walkies”, some are a little more challenged and some are borderline genius. But just

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Board
We all love our beloved pooches, but sometimes we need them to be taken care of while we take care of ourselves. Whether you have an appointment booked or

Weekend Hotel Stays
Please be advised we have new opening times for our Hotel on weekends. Collections and drop offs are available over the weekend between 9am and 10 am only. This does

Pawjama Day!!!
13th January
On Monday the 13th of January, we will be having a doggy duvet day at Martlesham! Come dressed to impress in your best pjs pups as we certainly will!

Christmas 2019!!!!!!
17th & 19th December
December is once again upon us! Which means it is finally party season, our most favourite time of year here at Happi Days! While we wish it could be

Candydash Images are coming to Happi days!
28th & 29th November 4th, 5th & 6th December
We will be hosting Candydash Images at Happi Days! This is a a great opportunity for you to get some beautiful pictures of your dog done as part of their